Lets come out for the Truth, awakening to YOUTH for their upliftment and country benevolence
Saturday, 24 September 2011
UPA Govt. Defined the New Definition of Poverty
"Quartet” pushes for new mid-east peace talks
A proposal from the United Nations, the EU, the US and Russia suggests that the two parties should aim to reach a deal by the end of 2012.
The statement comes following Friday’s formal application for United Nations recognition of a Palestinian state by President Mahmoud Abbas.
“Within three months we would want to see significant progress on borders and security,” said EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.
“Anyone listening to the speeches made today and indeed the comments made many times by President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu will be fully aware of the significance of these two issues,” she added, referring to Abbas’ speech to the UN in New York.
President Obama Signs Kansas Disaster Declaration
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
President Obama Signs Kansas Disaster Declaration
The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Kansas and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by flooding during the period of June 1 to August 1, 2011.
Federal funding is available to state and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the flooding in the counties of Atchison, Doniphan, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte.
Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide.
W. Craig Fugate, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Bradley Harris as the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations in the affected area.
FEMA said additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the state and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Historic World Earthquakes
Sorted by Country/Region & Date
All earthquake dates are UTC, not local time.
- 1965 03 14 - Hindu Kush, Afghanistan - M 7.8
- 1998 02 04 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border Region - M 5.9 Fatalities 2,323
- 1998 05 30 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border Region - M 6.6 Fatalities 4,000
- 2002 03 03 - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan - M 7.4 Fatalities 166
- 2002 03 25 - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan - M 6.1 Fatalities 1,000
- 2004 04 05 - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan - M 6.6 Fatalities 3
- 2005 12 12 - Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan - M 6.5 Fatalities 5
- 2009 10 29 - Hindu Kush region, Afghanistan - M 6.2
- 1954 09 09 - Orleansville, Algeria - M 6.8 Fatalities 1,250
- 1965 01 01 - M'Sila, Algeria - M 5.5 Fatalities 4
- 1980 10 10 - El Asnam (formerly Orleansville), Algeria - M 7.7 Fatalities 5,000
- 2003 05 21 - Northern Algeria - M 6.8 Fatalities 2,266
- 2003 05 27 - Northern Algeria - M 5.8 Fatalities 9
- 1922 11 11 - Chile-Argentina Border - M 8.5
- 1944 01 15 - San Juan, Argentina - M 7.4 Fatalities 8,000
- 1977 11 23 - San Juan, Argentina - M 7.4
- 1985 01 26 - Mendoza, Argentina - M 6.0
- 2002 06 18 - Chile-Argentina Border Region - M 6.6
- 2006 11 13 - Santiago del Estero, Argentina - M 6.8
- 1931 04 27 - Zangezur Mountains, Armenia - Azerbaijan border - M 5.7Fatalities 2,800
- 1988 12 07 - Spitak, Armenia - M 6.8 Fatalities 25,000
Asia Minor
- 1268 - Silicia, Asia Minor Fatalities 60,000
Atlantic Ocean
- 1969 02 28 - Portugal-Morocco area - M 7.8 Fatalities 13
- 2003 08 04 - Scotia Sea - M 7.6
- 2006 01 02 - East of South Sandwich Islands - M 7.4
- 2006 08 20 - Scotia Sea - M 7.0
- 2008 02 08 - Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge - M 6.9
- 2008 02 10 - South Sandwich Islands region - M 6.6
- 2008 02 23 - South Sandwich Islands region - M 6.8
- 2008 06 30 - South Sandwich Islands region - M 7.0
- 1941 04 29 - Meeberrie, Australia - M 7.2
- 1968 10 14 - Meckering, Australia - M 6.9
- 1988 01 22 - Tennant Creek, Australia - M 6.6
- 1989 12 27 - Newcastle, Australia - M 5.5 Fatalities 13
- 1872 01 28 - Samaxi, Azerbaijan - M 5.7 Fatalities 118
- 2009 09 21 - Bhutan - M 6.1 Fatalities 11
- 1638 06 11 - St. Lawrence region
- 1663 02 05 - St. Lawrence Valley region, Quebec, Canada - M 7.0
- 1700 01 26 - Cascadia Subduction Zone - M 9.0
- 1918 12 06 - Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada - M 7.0
- 1925 03 01 - Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada - M 6.3
- 1929 05 26 - South of Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada - M 7.0
- 1929 11 18 - Grand Banks, Nova Scotia, Canada - M 7.3
- 1933 11 20 - Baffin Bay, Canada - M 7.4
- 1935 11 01 - Timiskaming, Quebec, Canada - M 6.2
- 1944 09 05 - Between Massena, New York and Cornwall, Ontario, Canada - M 5.8
- 1946 06 23 - Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada - M 7.3
- 1949 08 22 - Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada - M 8.1
- 1970 06 24 - South of Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada - M 7.0
- 1985 12 23 - Nahanni region, Northwest Territories, Canada - M 6.8
- 1988 11 25 - Saguenay, Quebec, Canada - M 5.9
- 1989 12 25 - Ungava, Quebec, Canada - M 6.0
- 2004 11 02 - Vancouver Island, Canada Region - M 6.7
- 2005 03 06 - St. Lawrence Valley Reg., Quebec, Canada - M 4.9
- 2008 01 05 - Queen Charlotte Islands region - M 6.6
- 2009 11 17 - Queen Charlotte Islands region - M 6.6